

Start your day with a wholesome and comforting bowl of Oatmeal! This timeless breakfast classic can easily be made with oats, water, honey and your choice of fruit. Not only does oatmeal provide a delicious start to your day, but it also offers a plethora of health benefits.

15 minutes
15 minutes
Serves 1
Serves 1


1 half bowl of oatmeal
1 cup water
2 tbsp Honey
Your desired fruit

Step 1 As the cooker oatmeal is still turned off, pour the bowl containing the oats into the pot. You can choose how much oats you want to cook.
Step 2 Add 1 cup of water next to ensure that your oat will get the moisture. The more oats that you put in, the more water should be added.
Step 3 Mix the oat and water together, then close the pot before you turn on the slow cooker oatmeal.
Step 4 Upon choosing a slow cooker, put it in a 5-minute timer and let it do the work. Please keep in mind that the time will vary depending on your preference of oatmeal consistency.
Step 5 Open the pot and put your cooked oatmeal in the bowl. Careful, it's hot!
VOILA! Add honey and your desired fruit then you are all set!